THE CLASSY GIRL'S GUIDE TO DIVORCE: Good Grief!-Grieving Your Divorce
Divorcing triggers a grief process and what that looks like is unique and there is a road map and you are not alone.

Connecting Couples...take stock of your relationship with this quiz!
People connect with each other in different ways, but it’s universally agreed, that we all need emotional connection. Couples also need a...

Sending My Daughter Packin'...Did I Teach Her Enough to Survive Out There?
" She packed up her potential, and a few things she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes, and set out to change a few things." My...

Escaping the Gilded Cage: Hope After Infidelity
I am a hopeless optimist when it comes to relationships. I hold hope for every couple that walks into my office. Period. Don’t get me...