THE CLASSY GIRL'S GUIDE TO DIVORCE SERIES PART 1: Feeling the loss in a way that allows you to m
Finding personal peace, forgiveness of self and others after divorce is possible, as well as an enduring connection with your past that allo

Fighting over the "dumbest" things!
Do you ever feel like you and your partner fight over the "dumbest" things? It starts with "honey, I'm so tired of your shoes at the...

For Therapists in Private Practice: Fostering Community, Not Competition
Reprinted from the ICEEFT.com Summer 2013 Newsletter “As an individual I can and do achieve much. But my aspirations and the path along...

Auto-Correct: Our Different Responses to Distance in Relationships
Recently a friend and I had a heartfelt conversation via text during a busy week (yes, heartfelt conversations can be had via text!). At...