Therapists: How To Build a Facebook Audience
Facebook is an effective and free way to market your private practice and therapy services. It takes some time and hard word to build a...

4 Signs You are in Romantic Relationship with a Narcissist
Do you find yourself in relationship wondering why you feel unimportant, an accessory, and alone? Does your partner exhibit many of these...

Navigating Valentine's Day Post Infidelity
Valentine’s Day is a huge romantic day supposed to be filled with love and romance. For couples recovering from infidelity, it often is a...

Sending My Daughter Packin'...Did I Teach Her Enough to Survive Out There?
" She packed up her potential, and a few things she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes, and set out to change a few things." My...

"All My Heart": When Siblings Move from Conflict to Connection
I recently became an "empty nester." It's bittersweet. I miss the voices and noise and the messes (yes, even those) the girls filled my...

For Therapists in Private Practice: Fostering Community, Not Competition
Reprinted from the ICEEFT.com Summer 2013 Newsletter “As an individual I can and do achieve much. But my aspirations and the path along...

I Can't Stop Obsessing Over the Details of My Spouses Affair!
You can't stop thinking about your spouse and the affair partner--what they did, places they met, what words were exchanged....oh and the...

Help! My Spouse Just Disclosed an Affair!
Anyone experiencing the disclosure of their spouse's affair knows that it is like experiencing the sudden death of a loved one. It's...

Escaping the Gilded Cage: Hope After Infidelity
I am a hopeless optimist when it comes to relationships. I hold hope for every couple that walks into my office. Period. Don’t get me...

Auto-Correct: Our Different Responses to Distance in Relationships
Recently a friend and I had a heartfelt conversation via text during a busy week (yes, heartfelt conversations can be had via text!). At...